Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan was on a working visit to Artik community, Shirak region

In the frames of UN Adaptation Fund-financed “Artik city closed stone pit wastes and flood management” pilot project, Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan, the staff of the Ministry's “Environmental Projects Implementation Unit” state agency, led by Acting Director Armen Yesoyan, were on a  working visit to Artik community, Shirak region.
The objective of the project is to increase the level of adaptation of natural and agricultural landscapes in the context of global climate change, to prevent floods, to reduce their effects, to restore the natural landscape violated by climate change and anthropogenic impacts, to increase the level of knowledge of the population about adaptation to climate change.
The Acting Deputy Minister in collaboration with his colleagues visited the flood management construction site implemented by the second component of the project, assessed the effective progress of the works on the spot.
The problems arising during the works and their possible efficient solutions were discussed with the employees of the construction company - “MERDZMOSKOVYAN” OJSC, construction technician – “HAYJRNAKHAGITS” LLC, technical supervisor – “HUSALI KAMAR” LLC.
A visit was paid to the construction site of a 30-hectare recreation area and a 10-hectare forest park implemented under the first component of the project, where a number of questions were considered with the construction company - “MERDZMOSKOVYAN” OJSC, construction technician – “CONSTANTABUILD” LLC, technical supervisor – “HUSALI KAMAR” LLC.
Anna Mazmanyan emphasized the positive impact of this component of the project, and the important significance on the health of Artik residents.
The Acting Deputy Minister visited the area of a forest park with 1075 different seedlings in Vardakar community within the project scopes and had discussions with the head of the community on organizing further care.