Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan has hosted the representatives of the European Investment Bank

Greeting his colleagues, the Deputy Minister noted that the expansion and strengthening of international cooperation is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Environment and that she attaches great importance to the direction of international financial flows for the implementation of various environmental programs. 
The Deputy Minister presented to his colleagues the priorities of the RA government in the field of the environment and briefly talked about the reforms that have been initiated and are in the process, spoke about the programs implemented by the Ministry.
The formats of possible cooperation within the framework of environmental priorities provided by the government's program were discussed.
In particular, the issues of enhanced protection, monitoring and sustainable use of biodiversity in Armenia were touched upon.
The issue of strengthening the possibilities of proper waste management, in particular, the problem of solid waste recycling was discussed.
A set of measures and programs aimed at restoring the ecosystem of Lake Sevan was also on the agenda of the meeting. The problems of Lake Sevan and the processes aimed at solving them were touched upon.