Environment Minister Hakob Simidyan and Deputy Minister Aram Meymaryan met with Director of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) Ruben Khachatryan and representatives of the Foundation

During the meeting, the parties discussed a range of issues of mutual interest and sought solutions to existing problems through discussion.
In particular, the issue of IUCN membership at the state level and the possibility of using the potential of this international organization of Armenia was touched upon.
The conflict between humans and wild animals in the context of the human-bear conflict and ways to resolve it were also discussed.
Person- In order to study the conflict of wild animals, identify the problems that have arisen, coordinate the processes of developing and implementing ways to solve them, a working group was created by Order of the Minister of Environment No. 239-a of July 13, 2022, which involved both representatives of the public administration system (specialists of professional departments of the Ministry, relevant specialists from the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), as well as representatives of Armenian international environmental structures, Representatives of public environmental organizations of Armenia, candidates of biological Sciences in accordance with the National Academy of Sciences.
The Fund for the Protection of Wildlife and Cultural Values has been organizing and implementing a program for the rescue of bears stored in restaurants, gas stations and private collections since 2016, which is also a direct consequence of the human-bear conflict. Currently, there are about 20 bears in the " wild animal rescue center ".
The Minister presented to his colleagues the steps of the Ministry of Environment aimed at improving the legislation regulating the field and the possibilities of cooperation around the problem.
In order to ensure the continuous development of bilateral relations, the Minister noted the importance of the possibility of implementing new programs together with various organizations in the field of the environment and once again stressed that it is very important to work to achieve results, comparing all available resources and opportunities.