Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan took part in the conference "The Role of Parliament in the fight against Climate change", organized for RA parliamentarians

Today, Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan took part in the conference "The Role of Parliament in combating climate change", organized for the parliamentarians of the Republic of Armenia.
We would like to inform you that the conference "The role of Parliament in the fight against climate change is being held in Armenia from November 25 to 26, 2022. A forum organized for parliamentarians of the Republic of Armenia".
The event was organized in close cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) "New Armenia-a Modern Parliament" (UNDP), the UNDP climate change program, as well as the "global sustainable development program based on gender and risks" of the UNDP regional office in Bangkok, funded by the Government of Korea, and the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.
The purpose of the conference is to present to the participants the latest scientific facts and evidence regarding the security risks of climate change, facts about the security risks associated with climate in a favorable national environment, as well as their impact and priorities on Armenia:
According to the law "On the Structure and Activities of the Government" and the decision of the Prime Minister "on approval of the Charter of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia" dated June 11, 2018, the Ministry of Environment, among other issues, develops and implements policies aimed at solving the problems of climate change of the Republic of Armenia.
The cornerstone of the economic policy of the Government of the Republic of Armenia is the formation of a green and climate-resistant economic system, which will expand the competitive advantages of the country's economy in parallel with the social challenges caused by global climate change. The formation and implementation of such an economic policy is more than relevant during the double crisis caused by the epidemic and the war.
In this context, our country attaches importance to the proper implementation of the commitments undertaken under the Paris Agreement, since they are based on the principles of a green economy and are compatible with the goals of socio-economic development of our country.
In his speech, the Minister touched upon the policy pursued by the Republic of Armenia in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as the ongoing activities and legislative reforms.
The Minister stressed the role of society in climate operations. Climate actions require behavioral changes, which in the modern world are constantly being reformulated under the slogan "From the old to the new".
The task of the Ministry of Environment is also to inform about these changes in order to jointly strive and fulfill the goal set within the framework of the commitments undertaken by Armenia.