Climate characteristics and weather forecast for May

Alternation of warm and cold air masses, as well as uneven warming of the Earth's surface, melting of snow in high-altitude areas leads to the emergence of powerful convective currents-strong precipitation is often observed, accompanied by thunderstorms.
Although the temperature background is high during the month, there is a danger of frost in mountainous areas during the month, and sometimes with significant intensity, which can have a loss-making effect on agricultural crops.
The duration of sunlight increases by 180-200 hours.
The maximum amount of precipitation is observed in May and averages 92mm, the number of days with precipitation is on average 17-20 days.
The number of days with thunderstorms in the republic averages 10-13 days (in some years it reached 20-22 days).
Wind speed increases slightly in the republic, the amount of calm is significantly reduced.
The average monthly air temperature in Yerevan is predicted to be +18... +19°C.
In the Ararat, Armavir regions, the foothills of Aragatsotn and Kotayk, the average monthly air temperature is predicted to be +17...+18°C.
In Shirak and Gegharkunik regions, in the mountainous regions of Aragatsotn and Kotayk - +9...+12°C
In the Lori region - +10 ...+12 °C, in the Tavush region - +13...+16°C.
The average annual air temperature in the foothills of Vayots Dzor is predicted to be +17...+18°C, in mountainous areas` +10...+12°C.
In the Syunik valleys +17...+20 ° C, in the foothills - + 11...+12°C.
+17 is forecast in Artsakh...+20°C.
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