The Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan has signed the order on setting the allowable quantities and hunting dates for hunting animals for the period of 2023-2024 in the territory of the Republic of Armenia (except for specially protected nature areas).
Based on Article 5, Part 2, Article 8, Part 1, Clause 8 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Hunting and Management of Hunting Economy", the following allowable amounts of hunting and hunting dates for game animals have been established.
We urge our compatriots who are engaged in hunting and have appropriate licenses to ensure and strictly observe all safety rules during the hunting period, to carry out hunting exclusively in the amount specified in the issued licenses in order to exclude overhunting and, what is most important, to show maximum care for nature.
The issue of maintaining the allowable quantities of hunting carried out during the hunting season will be in the daily focus of the Ministry of Environment and other responsible state bodies.
The list of HUNTING ANIMALS, ALLOWABLE QUANTITIES FOR THEIR USE AND HUNTING PERIOD FOR 2023-2024 can be found at the following link: