According to the monitoring carried out at 5 stationary monitoring stations in Yerevan, the dust content on May 20 exceeded the permissible limit concentration (MPC) in Kentron administrative district 2.6 times, in Arabkir - 1.1 times, in Nor Nork - 1.4 times, on May 21 the limit permissible concentration was exceeded only in Kentron in the administrative district - 1.4 times, in Nor Nork - it was close to the value of STK.
The content of nitrogen dioxide exceeded the permissible limit concentration on May 20 in Nor Nork by 1.1 times, on May 21 in Arabkir by 1.1 times, in Shengavit by 1.3 times, in Nor Nork it was close to the value of the TLC.
The content of sulfur dioxide did not exceed the permissible limit concentration on May 20, and on May 21 it approached the value of STK in Shengavit and Kentron administrative regions.
The ground-level ozone concentration did not exceed the permissible limit value from May 20 to 21.
According to observations made by passive samplers in the administrative district of Nubarashen, between May 14 and 21, the average daily concentration of sulfur dioxide exceeded the limit permissible concentration by 1.2 times. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide did not exceed the TLC, but compared to the previous week, the average daily concentration increased by about 2.7 times.