- 10 август 2015 Due to the breach detected by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection 1.3 million AMD was calculated as environmental damage Due to the breach detected by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection 1.3 million AMD was calculated as environmental damage
- 5 август 2015 Cleaning works were implemented in areas adjacent to the River Bldan, “Dilijan” National Park Cleaning works were implemented in areas adjacent to the River Bldan, “Dilijan” National Park
- 31 июль 2015 Public hearing over the draft of the RA Government decree on “Approving the RA Intended Nationally Determined Contributions – INDC” under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place Public hearing over the draft of the RA Government decree on “Approving the RA Intended Nationally Determined Contributions – INDC” under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place
- 27 июль 2015 На основании выявленных министерством охраны природы РА нарушений в гос.бюджет поступило 1.52 млн.драм. На основании выявленных министерством охраны природы РА нарушений в гос.бюджет поступило 1.52 млн.драм.
- 23 июль 2015 Сотрудниками отдела охраны ГНКО “Национальный парк “Дилижан” выявлены новые случаи незаконной вырубки деревьев Сотрудниками отдела охраны ГНКО “Национальный парк “Дилижан” выявлены новые случаи незаконной вырубки деревьев