On July 10th the Minister of Nature Protection kicked off a strategy aimed at gradual reduction and eventual ban of single-use plastic. The strategy has two components. The first one focuses on piloting the implantation of green behavior in one community, and gauging the receptiveness of green policies and behavioral change. Based on the speed and efficiency of this policy implementation process, the key component – reduction and ban of single-use plastic – will then be scaled up to a provincial level. The last phase of this component is scaling up the ban on the national level. The second component of the strategy is comprised of research as well as development of relevant policies and legislation pertaining to reduction and eventual ban of single-use plastics. As a national level strategy requires a comprehensive approach and continuous work and consultation with private sector and civil society in suggesting alternatives to plastics and developing relevant policies to ensure the financial and economic feasibility and sustainability of these alternatives, the second component of the strategy is more long-term, comprehensive and inclusive. In the framework of the announced strategy, the Ministry of Nature Protection and Talin Municipality organized first public hearings – announcing the selection of the city of Talin as the first pilot community to implement gradual reduction of plastics. In attendance were representatives of Talin city council, Talin residents, school teachers, municipality staff and representatives from the city’s private sector. In her welcoming speech, First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Irina Ghaplanyan mentioned that Talin has all preconditions for becoming a “Green City”. It was exciting to see Talin residents’ enthusiasm and readiness for implementing this important initiative in their city. The members of the panel also presented other potential environmental projects for the city, which could be carried out both by local and international organizations. One of the project coordinators, the director of “Urban Foundation” Armine Tukhikyan presented the experience of their organization in installing separated waste containers in other cities in Armenia, described the upcoming project in Kapan on plastic bottles recycling and use in construction materials, and talked about Talin landfill renovation projects. As a next step, the stakeholders decided to discuss future implementation procedures. After an hour long meeting and Q&A, the participants adjourned agreeing to hold a working meeting in the near future.