Public reviews will be held over underground mineral processing in Shahumyan polymetallic mine, Syunik Region, submitted by “Kapan Mining and Processing Enterprise” CJSC

In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as the defined order of the GoA (19.11.2014) N1325-N decree on October 30, at 15:00 public reviews will be held Kapan community administration (address: 5a Building, Aram Manukyan, the city of Kapan, Syunik region, Republic of Armenia), over underground mineral processing in Shahumyan polymetallic mine, Syunik Region, submitted by “Kapan Mining and Processing Enterprise” CJSC (Public Review II). 
The information over the envisaged activity can be downloaded from www.kapan.am website, thus visiting Kapan community administration (address: 5a Building, Aram Manukyan, the city of Kapan, Syunik region, Republic of Armenia by calling 060/ 52-18-18 or writing to kapan.syuniq@mta.gov.am e-mail) inclusive of the RA “Environmental Impact Expertise Center” SNCO (1/3 Buzand, Yerevan), the RA Ministry of Nature Protection official website (www.mnp.am), (tel. 011/22-02-18).