Public reviews of rehabilitation and modernization activities of the park adjacent to Gr. Lusavorich, Beirut, Khorenatsi and Italy streets, Yerevan 2008 Kentron Administrative District, will be held

In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as according to the defined order on October 8, at 11:00, public reviews will be held in 401 room, 4th floor, 6/1 Abelyan,  Ajapnyak District, Yerevan, over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of rehabilitation and modernization activities of the park adjacent to Gr. Lusavorich, Beirut, Khorenatsi and Italy streets, Yerevan 2008 Kentron Administrative District /Public Review II/.
The project documents can be found in the RA “Environmental Impact Expertise Center” SNCO (1/3 Buzand, Yerevan), the RA Ministry of Nature Protection official website (www.mnp.am), (tel. 011/22-02-18, 011/22-02-17).