The duties of the special squad consisting of 24 people are: implementation of round-the-clock water and land protection throughout “Sevan” national park, prevention of violation of norms, combating illegal fishing, supervision and monitoring of a total area of 147,000 hectares, including the entire mirror of Lake Sevan, The special guard squad is mainly composed of citizens who have served in law enforcement agencies and have many years of professional experience, are familiar with the nature and structure of the work of special subdivisions, are able to effectively fight against violations of norms within their powers. The squad is on duty 24-hours a day, in three shifts. Besides the operative response to the calls, the group conducts regular visits to different districts and parts of “Sevan” NP. The ME “Sevan” NP has provided transport vehicles for the needs of the special guard squad to respond promptly to incidents and efficiently counteract environmental violations. In the near future, the guard squad will also be provided with high-speed swimming means for hourly duty on the entire mirror of Lake Sevan. In the short term, the group will also be upgraded with innovative equipment addressed to expand capacities - such as with the necessary equipment for aerial monitoring of the whole territory, inclusive of with the night visibility means. The special guard squad has already prevented a number of cases in the short period of its activity. Recently, in the lower parts of Karchaghbyur River, the squad detected and removed a special net for small fish poaching, through which an attempt was made to catch a small shoal of Gegharkunik trout released to Lake Sevan about ten days ago. It should be reminded that within the framework of the works targeted at the restoration of bioresources of Lake Sevan and the rehabilitation of the lake, about 280,000 viable trout of Gegharkunik species were released to Karchaghbyur-Masrik Rivers at the expense of the state budget funds. Also, the squad is on duty in Norashen sanctuary located in the territory of the national park, where in this phase there is a special entry regime for citizens. At present, complex programs are being implemented for staffing and enhancing the quality of professional and inspection subdivisions, services. The ongoing reforms will be continued in “Sevan” NP SNCO. The above-mentioned activities should ultimately bring about the improvement of the professional skills of the staff of the national park, the increase of quality and efficiency of the work, the establishment and strengthening of legality and institutional components.