There were handed 8 off-road vehicles to “Kapan Forestry Enterprise” branch of Committee of Forest of the Ministry of Nature Protection

Minister Erik Grigoryan took part in the ceremony of handing 7 UAZ Hunter and 1 UAZ PICK-UP off-road vehicles to “Kapan Forestry Enterprise” branch of Committee of Forest of the Ministry of Nature Protection.  The off-road vehicles were provided by the German Development Bank-financed (KFW)  “Support Programme for Protected Areas – Armenia” (SPPA-A) project; the  project also provides targeted assistance to the state structures of Syunik region, that have direct impacts on biodiversity conservation.  Minister of Nature Protection Erik Grigoryan in his speech signified the importance of providing similar aids  meant for the efficient implementation of large-scale forest reforms. Higher technical upgrading of regional structures of "Hayantar" SNCO will enhance the efficiency of forest preservation supervised by them. The peculiarity of “Support Programme for Protected Areas – Armenia” (SPPA-A) project is it that has socio-economic components besides the environmental one. The global experience shows that environmental projects are implemented productively, when they are combined with socio-economic ones. The environmental capacity building is combined with the measures directed to community buildout, aimed at reducing the pressure on forested areas": stated the Minister of Nature Protection. The Chairman of  Committee of Forest of the Ministry of Nature Protection, Mikayel Manukyan extended a vote of thanks for the support and attributed  importance to the constructive fulfillment of the functions of the Committee, thus breifed that donated UAZ PICK-UP off-road vehicles will be furnished with  firefighting equipment, enabling to fight against wildfires productively.