As a result of inspections realized by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection 1.03 million AMD was estimated as damage caused to the nature

5 decrees on administrative fines of 300.0thousand AMD are the result of inspections, visits, cases and report receipt conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 09-13.11.2015; 1.03 million AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Particularly in the sphere of flora protection: Tavoush Regional Division charged 3 individuals an administrative fine of 150.0 thousand AMD; 1.0 million AMD was estimated as damage caused to the nature. There was decided to charge a businessman an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD by Gegharkunik Regional Division for not submitting environmental and environmental usage payment reports within the defined period of time. illegal transfer of timbers: A decision of 100.0 thousand AMD as an administrative fine during the inspection procedures conducted by Gegharkunik Regional Division and 30.0 thousand AMD was estimated as environmental damage. illegal hunting: Yerevan Regional division and Forest and Biodiversity Supervision Department confiscated 99.5kg /186/ sig fish and handed to Yerevan special educational complex for children with hearing disorders, Yerevan special school for visually impaired children named after Nikoghayos Tigranyan, A&P Abrahamyans’ and Nor-Nork charitable eating houses, “Nork boarding school” SNCO and “Zatik” Child Assistance SNCO. During the visits of employees of Lori Regional Division confiscated 25 karas fish which was handed to Vanadzor orphanage according to the defined order. Shirak Regional Division confiscated 9.0 kg /18/ sig fish and handed to “Gyumri house for children” SNCO. In general due to the sanctions imposed by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 500.0 thousand AMD has entered the state budget.