Today the outputs of “Introduction of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) system for strengthening the RA Ministry of Nature Protection powers” AM10/ENP-PCA/EN/06 on Twining programme seminar at Congress hotel organized with the assistance and finance of the EU by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection launched on January 15, 2013. The project has been fulfilled by the environment, nature protection, construction and nuclear security, ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany and with the latter’s consortium Spanish partner “Traqsa Group” company. The goal of the project is to assist the RA Ministry of Nature Protection to introduce the provision and control system of environmental complex permissions with applying of the Best Accessible Technologies (BAT) in Armenia. RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan in his welcoming speech emphasized that the issue is considered for introducing new and advanced mechanisms of granting environmental complex permissions into the RA law system as well as regulation of envisaged institutional issues, which must provide integration of conditions and procedures or at least thorough coordination. RA Minister of Nature Protection announced, that at present bases have been set up in Armenia with the appliance of “A window” principal for the new management form of granting environmental joint permissions reducing the administration as much as possible as a result of which both the obligation of authorities or enterprises will be facilitated. In its turn it will influence on the improvement of management system of the environmental sector with the provision of ecosystem approach and the inception of new management mechanisms and procedures for the environmental protection. “It will provide complex prevention or reduction of physical impacts on atmosphere, water resources, land pollution and environment and a person’s health, the reduction of new wastes, provision energy thrift, and prevention of industrial catastrophes” Aramayis Grigoryan stated and added, that bases for the implementation of systematized monitoring and supervision. The Minister of Nature Protection attached significance to the close cooperation with international organizations, especially the European Union and to the provided assistance for achieving more tangible outputs in the introduction of environmental advanced management system. The Minister, thanking involved parties for their active participation, the preparation and realization of the project, hoped due to Twinning project fulfilled by the joint efforts will become the cornerstone, the inception of which will improve management progressive reforms and development. Garegin Melkonyan stated, that the RA has realized 12 Twinnning projects in various sectors. Delegation Representative of the European Union to Armenia Hoa-Binh Adjemian mentioned the fact that within the scope of the Twinning project the collaboration with the RA Ministry of Nature Protection was the first time and attributed importance to legal and institutional changes arising from it. Additionally, the speaker stressed the efficient cooperation between various sectors in Armenia within the frameworks of the project. RA First Deputy Minister of Trade and Economic Development Garegin Melqonyan, in his speech congratulated the RA Ministry of Nature Protection for implementing the project effectively and claimed that it creates basis for the implementation of new projects in the future. Rainer Morel, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia, stressed the significance of the project as it refers to the environment protection of Armenia. The latter will enable the supervision over the influence of entrepreneurs on environment. The Ambassador highlighted the collaboration among Armenia, Germany and Spain within the scope of the project. The seminar summarized the achievements of the Twinning project in legal and institutional spheres. ----- The target date for the project implementation is 24 months and the calculated budget comprises 1 million euro. The project consists of 4 components, the scopes of which embrace • Legislative and institutional regulations, particularly the prevention of environmental pollution, granting complex permissions, fulfillment of environmental observation and supervision, monitoring of environmental and natural resources and situation assessment as well as management of information flows. • Improvement of influence (education, training, exchange of experience, etc.) and execution of 2 model projects Within the 2 years, the activities envisaged under the Project: • proposal packages of 24 technical documents including reference books, instructions and legal reforms have been developed • a number of activities have been realized: cadre training and exchange of experience • 2pilot projects have been implemented (“Arax Poultry Factory” CJSC and “Clean Iron Factory” CJSC