21 апрель 2015
8-го мая состоятся общественные слушания ОВОС на производство изделий из измельченного природного цеолита недалеко от бывшего консервного завода города Айрум
21 апрель 2015
8-го мая состоятся общественные слушания рабочего проекта Авдраманского месторождения пемзовых туфов
16 апрель 2015
5-го мая состоятся общественные слушания заявки на предварительную оценку воздействия на окружающую среду проекта благоустройства межгосударственной дороги на границе Ванадзор-Алаверди-Грузия
15 апрель 2015
On April 30, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the construction of “Kaputjugh” SHPP
15 апрель 2015
On April 29, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the construction of “Nigava” SHPP
8 апрель 2015
14-го апреля состоятся общественные слушания заявки оценки воздействия на окружающую среду на геологическое исследование участка “Ерани” Шахапского проявления мраморизованного известняка
31 март 2015
On April 16, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the report on environmental impact of “Geghardaleach self-streaming irrigation system plan”
24 март 2015
17 март 2015
On April 3, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the draft of a resting place envisaged at the seashore of Tsovagyugh community
16 март 2015
On March 26, at 12:00, public hearings will be held in Marmarashen village administration, the RA Ararat region
11 март 2015
С 9-го февраля по 11-ое марта 2015 г. в ГНКО ”Экспертизный центр оценки воздействия на окружающую среду” поступили проекты.
10 март 2015
On March 31, at 12.00 public hearings will be held over the draft of refueling compressor station construction
9 март 2015
On March 24, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the draft of prospecting works of minerals of Armanis gold-polymetallic mine
9 март 2015
On March 26, at 12:00, public hearings will be held over the draft of carton production of recycling of waste paper and wastes of polyethylene terephthalate bottles
3 март 2015
On March 17, public hearings will be held over the bid of recycling production of used oil at “G. Nazaryan & Friends” LLC
25 февраль 2015
6-го марта 2015г. состоятся общественные слушания относительно добычи Гораванского месторождения пемзовых песков
19 февраль 2015
18 февраль 2015
On March 2, 2015, at 14:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of the exploitation draft on Yeghegnavan sand mines /1st and 2nd lots/
18 февраль 2015
On March 2, 2015, at 11:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of the exploitation draft on “Lusarat-1” sand mines
17 февраль 2015
On February 19, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the working draft of the second sector mine of lithoidal pumice in Karpidzor
4 февраль 2015
On February 13, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of modified draft of << Vayoc>> hydroelectric power small station construction
4 февраль 2015
On February 12, 17, 18 a hearing will be held over “The four leveled improvement of channels of pump stations in Achajur, Noyemberyan, improvement of channels of pump stations in Zeytun-Haghtanak, Metsamor and Ghara-Ghala and “Qaghcrashen, Avshar-Aygeva
4 февраль 2015
On February 16, at 11:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of simplified draft of the main plan of Zovuni community
2 февраль 2015
On February 13, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of simplified draft of the main plan of Nor Artamet community
2 февраль 2015
On February 6, at 12:00 public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of simplified draft of the main plan of Aghavnatun community
27 январь 2015
19 январь 2015
Public hearings over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of oil and gas geological research
13 январь 2015
On January 27, 2015, public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of Arevshat community main plan
13 январь 2015
On January 27, 2015, public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of creating a forest plot with the objective of restoring forests in Tsapatagh and Daranak communities
13 январь 2015
On January 27, 2015, public hearings will be held over the pre-assessment bid on environmental impact of the working draft of “Geghardaleach self-streaming irrigation system plan”