Under the 3-rd stage of the SPPA-A Small Grants Component (SGC), "Strong Future" social NGO which won the grant, has implemented an energy saving and energy efficiency project in Syunik Regional Psychiatric- Neurological Dispensary, meanwhile ensuring the financial stability of the dispensary.
The following results were recorded within the project scopes:
A three-phase solar photovoltaic power plant with a installed capacity of 37.0 kW, with an annual capacity of 53,850 kWh, has been set up in Syunik Regional Psychiatric- Neurological Dispensary, providing savings of about 2.4 million AMD for the mentioned structure.
In the period of May 2020 – February 2021, a total of 29,174.6 kWh of energy was generated, providing the company with income in AMD equivalent to $ 2,625.7.
Due to the installation of the plant during the above-mentioned period, 29.1 tons of CO2 gas and 875.3 kg of SO2 was not emitted into the atmosphere.
A new contract was signed between the power distribution network and the medical institution, a new backfeeding was installed, a new cable was set up from the solar power plant to the electrical substation.
The constructor of the plant installed a remote video surveillance system, the latter was connected to the Internet.
19 thermal insulation windows with a total area of 54 sq.m. were also installed in the dispensary, due to which all rooms of the hospital , administrative work rooms, canteen and pharmacy are now provided with thermal insulation windows.