Public reviews will be held over establishing soil-protecting forest plantations in Tsaghkahovit and Norashen settlements, submitted by “Access Consult” LLC

In accordance with the RA law on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" /21.06.2014 HO-110-N/ as well as according to the defined order of the 3rd part of the Annex of the GoA (19.11.2014) N1325-N decree  on September 14, at 14:00 public notification and reviews will be held in Tsaghkahovit community administration ( Building 2/1, Hoktemberyan street, Tsaghkahovit community, Aragacotn region) over the evaluation bid on environmental impact assessment of  establishing soil-protecting forest plantations in Tsaghkahovit and Norashen settlements, Aragacotn region, submitted by “Access Consult” LLC with the support of GIZ “Sustainable biodiversity management in the South Caucasus” project, “Environmental Sustainability Assistance Center" NGO (ESAC) /Phase II/.
The project documents can be found in the RA “Environmental Impact Expertise Center” SNCO (1/3 Buzand, Yerevan), the RA Ministry of Nature Protection official website (www.mnp.am), (tel. 011/22-02-18, 011/22-02-17), Tsaghkahovit community administration.