RA Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan met with the delegation headed by Ambassador Piotr Switalski

RA Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan had a meeting with the delegation led by Head of Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Ambassador Piotr Switalski.

Greeting the guests, Artsvik Minasyan extended a vote of thanks to the European Union for the support and achievements as a result of united activities, set a great store on future partnership and the essential of transferring efficiency of upcoming projects to a new level.

The RA Minister of Nature Protection illustrated a plan of actions and status of reforms, briefing, that one of the principal steps undertaken within the frameworks of the aforementioned measures is focused on reducing corruption risks. Presently, integrated electronic system for environmental permits is set up, thus fundamentally making the issuing of permits more workable for entrepreneurs and people.

Extensive works are conducted to build up the target and productivity of environmental grant programs. There has been notified, that one of the ministry’s priorities is to cooperate with international donors pinpointed to establish the Donors’ Council, which will not only enable international partners to get familiar with each other’s programs, but also be informed of the implemented works by the state in the form of the latter.

Ambassador Piotr Switalski, expressing gratitude for the reception, conveyed warm congratulations to Arttsvik Minasyan for being re-appointed as Minister and shared the Minister’s opinion over the need of transferring the cooperation to a new level. By thanking for the full submission of the ministry’s projects, the Ambassador attributed importance to “Green Armenia” concept, that is the future of Armenia despite technical progress outputs.

Artsvik Minasyan informed, that 36 environmental measures are included in the Government Program in frame of reference of which is green economy concept.

The Minister thanked P. Switalski for the efforts implied to make the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) constructive in Armenia, summoning back, that 8 of international agreements are of environment-oriented, which ensure the above mentioned system defining preferential trade regime for Armenia along with the European countries and the Armenia side executed all resources to make success under those agreements.

The RA Minister of Nature Protection requested the Ambassador to assist in providing information about the projects fulfilled by the European countries, in order Armenia may get acquainted with the opportunities to take in them as well as develop relevant propositions.

Furthermore, the parties considered the implementation process of “Clean Armenia” project, issues related to “debt-for-nature swaps” initiative.

Afterwards, the sides expressed willingness to have continued cooperation on guiding principles of environmental policy within reasonable and specified time frames.